Class Amphibia (Amphibians) | |
The amphibious species that are present in the reserve are in general the same as the found species in the Vratsa Mountain. The following species live in the reserve: | |
Bufo bufo | |
Bufo viridis | |
Rana ridibunda | |
Rana dalmatina | |
Hyla arborea | |
Bombina variegata | |
Salamandra salamandra | |
Triturus vulgaris | |
Triturus cristatus | |
Class Reptilia (Reptiles) | |
The environmental conditions in the reserve are very good for the reptiles. This class is represented by the following species: | |
Podarcis muralis | |
Lacerta viridis | |
Ablepharus kitaibeli | |
Anguis fragillis | |
Coluber jugularis | |
Coronella austriaca | |
Vipera ammodytes | |
Class Aves (Birds) | |
The species diversity of this class is significant. The following species are typical for the reserve: | |
Neophron percnopterus | |
Ciconia nigra | |
Aquila chrysaetos | |
Accipiter gentilis | |
Buteo buteo | |
Falco tinnunculus | |
Picoides major | |
Sitta europaea | |
Emberiza calandra | |
Emberiza citrinella | |
Turdus merula | |
Sylvia atricapila | |
Sylvia communis | |
Apus melba | |
Apus apus | |
Hirundo rustica | |
Hirundo rupestris | |
Oriolus oriolus | |
Pyrrocorax graculus | |
Corvus corax | |
Class Mammalia (Mammals) | |
The following species are met in the reserve: | |
Erinaceus concolor | |
Talpa europaea | |
Myotis myotis | |
Myotis blytni | |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | |
Rhinolophus hipposideros | |
Miniopterus schreibersi | |
Pipistrellus pipistrelus | |
Apodemus flavicolis | |
Glis glis | |
Martes foina | |
Lepus capensis | |
Scirus vulgaris | |
Vulpes vulpes | |
Sus scrofa |
Official Site of "Vratchanski karst" reserve ©2003 All rights reserved |