The research studies in the caves the Vratsa Mountain have been initiated back in the early 20s of the passed century. They are especially intensive in the period 1960 - 1972. The cave invertebrate fauna was found out during this same period. There are three ecologic groups of cave dwellers: trogloxens, troglophils and troglobionts. The last group is the most important one to the biopaleology. The third group consist of typical cave organisms that show a number of features that are characteristic for underground life forms (high depygmentation, reduction in sight organs, relative long limbs compared to the body size, etc.) The representatives of this group are of great significance to the zoo-geography of the invertebrate fauna not only in Bulgaria, but on the Balkan Peninsular too. On the territory of the Vratsa Mountain there are 29 species of troglobionts (representatives only of the terrestial invertebrate fauna); 17 of these species can be considered as indicators for this region, i.e. they are characteristic only for the region. On the territory of "Vrachanski karst" reserve there are the following 8 species: |
1. Bulgarosoma bureschi |
(Diplopoda) |
2. Typhloiulus longipes | (Diplopoda) | |
3. Onychyurus sensitivus | (Collembola) | |
4. Pheggomisetes radewi | (Carabidae) | |
5. Ph. globiceps mladenovi | (Carabidae) | |
6. Duvalius delchevi | (Carabidae) | |
7. Duvalius zivkovi | (Carabidae) | |
8. Radevia hanusi | (Bathyscinae) | |
The aquatic invertebrate fauna is also of high interest to the scientists but because it has great abilities for multiplication within the reserve, it is not represented by local endemites. Because of the high species diversity, the high level of local and regional endemism, as well as the high vulnerability to antropogenious interference, the preservation of the cave invertebrate fauna on the territory of the reserve and the Vratsa Mountain as a whole, is of great significance. |
Official Site of "Vratchanski karst" reserve ©2003 All rights reserved |